The Evil of Twilight Language. Twilight language is sorcery and demonic obsession. It has ancient engraved-sculptured artifacts associated with it. Their purpose is to be the idol by which demonic spirits are conjured to possess the unsuspecting initiate-victim.

Honest Reporting about the Holy Land - Ikret
Remember Rod Serling {Rodman Edward "Rod" Serling (December 25, 1924 – June 28, 1975)}, the Jewish Writer who hosted a TV show, way back in the black and white days of Television which he wrote, called the Twilight Zone? It was obsessive about two things, twilight language/obsession and the "holocaust." Both are propagandistic in the hands of those who push them into the consciousness of the unsuspecting.
This link below shows the utterly occult infiltration via Jewish Apostasy: Lurianic Kabalistic Talmudic Mishnah, Gemara, sorcery - Zohar and every form of pagan infidel magic and mix of "conspiracy theory" into the consciousness of people by Fortean and pre-Fortean ancient pagan (Assyro-Babylonian-Persian-Indian Sanskrit/pre-Sanskrit) Obsessive-Compulsive Twilight Language to confuse and obviate and obscure in every way possible, especially by telling half truths, so that the real issues of true faith in God and the persecution of Christians in the Holy Land and throughout the earth and the murder of babies by abortion and the persecution of the Palestinians in their own land by interlopers is utterly pushed aside and ignored with the objective that vast parts of the so called "mainstream" will sit idly by while consenting to what they watch, knowing full well that it is evil, and not lift a finger to stop it. This is REAL "chutzpah."
See this:
Welcome to the 3rd Dimension.....
This is the Kabalistic View of the Naqba
Zionism 101 and the Palestine Conflict
This is a truth teller.
The Life of an American Jew
in Racist Marxist Israel
Written in 1985 by Jack Bernstein
This is where it is leading the world to:
The Mark, the Name, the Number of the beast and the Tower of Babel = Ecumenism
The Mark of the beast
"16. The followers of Antichrist will be marked with a character in imitation of the sign that St. John saw upon the foreheads of the servants of God. This indicates that Antichrist and his prophet will introduce ceremonies to imitate the Sacraments of the Church. In fact there will be a complete organization ―― a church of Satan set up in opposition to the Church of Christ. Satan will assume the part of God the Father; Antichrist will be honored as Saviour, and his prophet will usurp the role of Pope. Their ceremonies will counterfeit the Sacraments and their works of magic be heralded as miracles. A similar project was attempted in the fourth century when Julian the Apostate counterfeited Catholic worship with pagan ceremonies in honor of Mithras and Cybele. He established a priesthood and instituted ceremonies in imitation of Baptism and Confirmation."Rev. E. Sylvester Berry, D.D.
The Apocalypse of St. John
Discussion on Apoc: xiii, 16.
John W. Winterich, Columbus, Ohio, 1921
Originally there were in ancient religion four elements (fire spirit water earth) with spirit deleted by the pagans and air and then also and/or aether inserted. These were variously identified with the visible planets and gods/goddesses of the pagans. The order was also rearranged variously and finally a sixth element was added: universal mind (just as the heretical interpretation of Jesus Christ as the impersonal word of God, instead of enhypostasia which is correct that Jesus Christ is the Person-al Son and Word of God incarnate). Finally language was seen as the mystical means of connecting with the powers of the gods/goddesses (actually Satan and the other fallen angels and the demons [demons are, according to the Church Fathers, the non-human souls of the pre-flood nephilim]), and with that alpha-numeric theosophies, namely Hebrew Gematria (Greek and Roman variations are Isopsephia) were especially used. These connections were for the sorcery/magic astrological control over the elements (Greek – stoichea)and even other men. Trigrams, pentagrams, hexagramset al were symbols used in conjunction with this. The final Mark of the Beast will not be accidental or co-incidental. The final mark of the Antichrist (the Beast) will be willful knowingly on purpose representation of the damned individual’s name by gematria/isopsephia spelling of his name to equal 666. He will seek to impress this knowingly on all men. All who knowingly take it will be irrevocably damned. The Mark of the beast, now and then is also the so called ‘Magen Star of David’ which is actually the star of Rempham (Satan) that St. Stephen condemned in the book of the Acts (see below).
If one studies freemasonry one finds that it is the worst kept secret there is, on purpose. They intend to be more and more open about their aims until people openly join in their rebellion against God for that very reason. It is true that there are roots of Byzantine-Venetian banking -- Phnariot, Darius Socinus etc., and there is a stabilization of the power that was concentrated therein and in connection with Switzerland (including the powerful Warburgs and Rothschilds). It is also true that without the connivings of Cardinal Richelieu it would have been stopped a long time ago. It is also true that unscrupulous Jews were involved every step of the way as Bernard Lazare, himself a Jew tells us. There were Jews round Adam Weishaupt in the late 1700’s when Weishaupt added the very Lurianic Illuminism, overt Satanism, the final formulation in which (Weishaupt’s formula) “it will advance until its final conflict with Christianity must determine whether Christ or Satan shall reign on this earth to the end.” Weishaupt’s way is the way of the Masonic lodges today, to first seduce men into his organization through its lower degrees. To quote Monsignor Dillon from his Edinburgh lectures:
"A man, though in Masonry, may not be willing to become an atheist or a Socialist, for some time at least. He may have in his heart a profound conviction that God exists, and some hope left ofreturning to that God at or before his death. He may have entered Masonry for purposes of ambition, for motives of vanity, from mere lightness of character. He may continue hisprayers and refuse, if a Catholic, to give up theMother of God and some practice of piety loved by him from his youth. But Masonry is a capital system to wean a man gradually away from all these things. It does not at once deny the existence of God, nor at once attack the Christian dispensation. It commences by giving the Christian idea of God an easy and, under semblance of respect, an almost imperceptible shake. It swears by the name of God in all its oaths. It calls Him, however, not a Creator, only an architect — the great Architect of the universe. It carefully avoids all mention of Christ, of the Adorable Trinity, of the unity of Faith, or of any faith. It protests a respect for the convictions of every man, for the idolatrous Parsee, for the Mohammedan (which Dillon should refer to as Muslim), the heretic, the Jew, the schismatic, the Catholic. By and by, in higher degrees, it gives a ruder shock to the belief in the Deity, and a gradual inducement to favor Naturalism." In the above quote both the Mohammedan (which Dillon should refer to as Muslim) and the Catholic are not condemned since both worship the true God. What is condemned is the mixing of that with the idolaters.
It is Masonry that we find at the core of the Vatican II apostasy. The smoke of Satan is the Satanic black mass, as mentioned by Malachi Martin in his writings. Although the Antipope Paul VI mentioned the smoke of Satan, he was part and parcel of it. It is especially the black mass child sacrifice by murdering and offering this murdered child to Satan, it is that form, that is the core of the Novus Ordo and Vatican II and everyone that is connected with it and has lead and will lead to nothing but apostasy and that black mass that continues to this day; this Masonry with the Judeo-Freemason Cardinals of the Vatican who were and are the willing servants of Satan and the Antipopes who are the willing pawns of Satan. Those Antipopes are: John XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul I, John Paul II and Benedict XVI.
This prefigures the final abomination of desolation in the rebuilt temple in Jerusalem.
St. Stephen speaking:
42 ¶ And God turned and gave them up to serve the host of heaven, as it is written in the books of the prophets: Did you offer victims and sacrifices to me for forty years, in the desert, O house of Israel?
43 And you took unto you the tabernacle of Moloch and the star of your god Rempham, figures which you made to adore them. And I will carry you away beyond Babylon. (DRV)
The same apostasy exists today in Jerusalem:
"It is a known fact in Kabbala (Cabbalah or Cabala from Qabbala) that impurity and evil are inherently attracted to sanctity,' said a director of one of the most respected Kabbala yeshivot in Jerusalem...."
See below for the basic principle of Satanism governing Talmudic Kabbalistic Judaism. It is not about the holiness they pretend it to be. It is about willful apostasy to the Devil.
“Daemon Est Deus Inversus" (Latin) Daemon is divinity inverted; more commonly, the Devil is God inverted. An ancient Hermetic, and later Qabbalistic, aphorism referring to that polar power which is required by the equilibrium and harmony in nature. The One, when manifested, becomes Two, and from the Two are unfolded or evolved all the sequence of manifest existence. Spirit and matter, good and evil, as distinct conceptions exist only by their mutual contrast. There is no evil per se, but the human notion of essential evil arises from our inability to take in the whole at a single glance.
Daemon is applicable in general to all formative power, from the highest to the lowest; in this aphorism it denotes the formative rays in their manifestation in and on the lower planes of prakriti, called by contrast the nether pole. Western monotheism, having anthropomorphized the higher creative powers into a personal God, personified the lower powers into a Devil and demons. But Satan or the Adversary is only God's messenger, because what is below reflects what is above. This aphorism, then, states that all the manifested universe is the representation or material inversion or reflection of the divine essence and its emanations which in their aggregate compose the spiritual background and causal forces of the universe. Furthermore, a reflected image reverses.
Finally, the aphorism denotes the astral light, represented by a black triangle inverted on a white (SD 1:424).”
This is the “Star of David” which is really the Star of the Solomonic temple and the Star of Rephaim which St. Stephen in the Acts condemned the Pharisees and their predecessor apostates in the time of Moses for, and has nothing to do with David. It is also the sign of Freemasonry and in the interpretation of those who embrace the Zohar and Lurianic Cabala is (though they don’t admit it to Christians who would be horrified by this) their symbol of service to Satan and not God.
"The HEXAGRAM [Lurianic Cabalistic Magen David 6-pointed star] was adopted by the Zionist Organization at the First Zionist Congress in 1897." (Cavendish, p. 1300)
Daemon Est Deus Inversus is pure Satanism and will be punished in hell by God for eternity. It is the absolute founding principle of Lurianic Cabbalism embodied in the Zohar as well, which is the essence of Talmudism and what is the belief of Talmudic Judaism. Therefore it is totally Antichrist and all people who have any part of it will go to hell for eternity.
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